
Pom Pom Girl

It’s almost end of the year and this is perhaps my last fashion post before i would make a roundup on my choices of favorite look along the year as highlighted for what i have done with my blog. As you may have seen on my instagram i have wear this pants several time (with […]

Review St Ivest Facial Scrub

[Review] St Ives Facial Scrub

Jadi beberapa waktu terakhir kayaknya timeline dibanjiri sama banyak produk skincare lansiran merek luar, salah satunya yang sudah meracuni saya adalah St Ives. Sebetulnya St Ives masih dalam grup Unilever tapi menyasar pada konsumen yang peduli lingkungan dan vegan. Berbeda dari kebanyakan produk Unilever yang mengandung paraben, St Ives mengusung tema yang lebih ramah lingkungan (paraben […]

The Beauty of Making

So sorry for lack of updating my blog and social media feed, i just have small time in between so many crazy deadline that sometimes i only reach snap gram to express my feeling. Recently i am so overwhelmed by the new project i’ve been involved with, making my dream come true. Turns out making […]

A day at Kidzoona

I’m not lying when i say a day, because my daughter literally run around this playground for hours that day. It start when everyone (naaaah i mean every mom in town) posting and talking about this new mall in Bandung. And one of the biggest crush is its playground that offer you so many new […]

Thavia the Label

This is my first impression of this Malaysian brand, I used to eyeing this brand quite a lot and fall in love for this peace right away. At the same time the trend of cross kinda top is over the top, since the vibe is quite sexy for me as hijabi we need extra attention […]

Birthday Party

Few weeks ago my nephew throwing his 3rd birthday and alhamdulilah finally me and Freya on both fit condition and can go. Usually most of the time i skip few invitation for my kid for many reason so when i can make it feels like so huge for me. I go with my elder sister […]

Scarf and Hat

I swear by, first blogger wear this kind of hat is Anastasia Sinter before anyone else adopt it, i even start to look for the similar hat at any seller provide that kind of hat wether i still gambling wether it will look good on me or obviously ridiculous, because we can’t hide the hair […]

Motherhood Journey #1 : Make Up My Mind

It’s 12.44 am in the morning. Just return back from bandung since this morning, my feet feel like swollen yet i only wear my flat sandals along the day actually. Sometimes i wonder why i spend 6 hours to go back and fort to reach Bandung, it’s tiring when you spend much more time on […]

Happy Birthday Mom

Well i have actually no special story to tell you by the way. But this noon i feel like i need to write down some word about my mom dedicating to her birthday few days ago. This is a simple reminder every time i have my mom blowing candle, that alhamdulilah Allah still give me time […]

Sunny Day

After years of looking, finally i find my most dreaming tone of my photo accidentally and i share it here with you on my new post. But i can’t work it for another shoot, well still many years to come i guess to finally guessing which direction i went to. On this post inspired much […]