White Boots

White Boots

Ada masa dimana saya senang bereskperimen dengan fashion style, kali ini bermain dengan salah satu item wishlist saya yaitu Boots. Boots mungkin agak mencolok jika dipakai dalam ootd sehari hari but i love them sooo much. Gak sampai dipakai di ootd harian sih tapi tentu harus punya satu atau dua dengan warna basic untuk acara […]

Rattan Hat

Statement On Your Shirt

Jadi entah kenapa beberapa minggu terakhir saya lagi jatuh hati sama namanya t-shirt, tapi buat hijabi kayaknya sering jadi bagian patah hati saat suka satu t shirt (tangan pendek) tapi kayaknya gak maksimal kalau dipake karena jatohnya kita pasti mengandalkan blazer atau luaran untuk menutup bagian lengan. Tapi kali ini saya pengen eksplorasi t shirt, […]


Denim and patches. Patches is fulfill our life with joy and expression. Perhaps it’s begin when Gucci put her signature embroidery patch on their iconic bags (dyonisius for sure). By then many street brand especially Zara adapt it and put them on almost everything, and it’s turn out fabulous. You have several option to have this kinda […]

Front Row Label

I am so thrilled on how fast the local fashion revolve and invade, and it such a pride to infuse our support for their hard work and compassion. One of best thing i found around is this top from Front Row Label via Love and Flair. Love and Flair is one of impressive growing retailer […]