Travel Diary

Farm House-ing

It’s holiday season stretching up from end of December to early January, It’s a festive season to end your hardwork during the year. As i have that mandatory post to give you few clue and references where to go. Here my latest trip when celebrating my daughter’s birthday on early December.

Eventually this visit is sort of changing plan, it began when we have swimming session at the morning with other kids on the hotel’s pool. Just until one of the kid telling Freya she would go feeding Rabbit after leaving the hotel and she (the kid) told her how exciting that would be.

(((Feeding Rabbit)))

Stuck in my daughter’s head and sounding over and over again. She told us to go visit the same place to find a rabbit. We still considering while my daughter keep talking about rabbit and feeding *blame that lil girl on the pool* even after we said yes, she keep unpatiently waiting us to pack our bag and leave the hotel.

So our changing plan is visit place nearby our hotel Farm House Lembang, plus we haven’t visit the place yet so i thought it would be a great idea to visited this place. But…we have serious problem when we got there : massive number of human walk and fulfilled the place. Here some picture we can save for you…



Ice Cream Monster Covered in Rabbit Costume



Mommy can’t bear great wall to have ootd photos while kid screaming and yelling want to get in immediately 



*Feeding the Rabbit Mission : Accomplished*







Fancy lunch we enjoy by paying it with the voucher we get from the gate. Delicious food.




Best spot i can get after give up on make it que.












It’s super hard to have proper photo when you have toddler around. Difficulty : 8 out of 10. Good shoot after 20 trying.



I just realize we have no daddy’s photo because he’s too busy handling the camera and follow mommy around and take a snap. So here our rare seen (blurry) picture dedicated to our beloved chauffeur, photographer, guardian and above all.


What we learn and would tell you during our trip here is :

  1. This place is beautiful and well crafted, if you are a fan of photography and wish to have a good photo here DO coming early on weekend or just visit here on weekday if possible. Almost every step is too cute to be missed.
  2. The coupon you get on the gate is changeable not only with that Giant Milk but also with few food stall on restaurant inside so when you don’t like the milk you can buy anything else inside to save more money.
  3. Rent the costume inside and take a photo, but be ready with the long que on weekend.
  4. The souvenir shop and special food inside has a very wide variety. Go find some for your home. But off course the price would be a bit expensive than regular shop outside.
  5. Enjoy the moment. It’s your risk to share the place with other visitor. Cherish the moment you’ve been come here with struggle so enjoy everything.



See you another trip!


Farm House Lembang

Jalan Raya Lembang No. 108 Bandung – Indonesia





5 Comment

  1. Semenjak aku punya Instagram,aku udah ngikutin moka garut ,dan menemukan teteh ini ,(ketua moka) dan Allhmdulillah setiap apa yang di posting sama teteh bisa membuat aku terinspirasi, mulai dari how to be a good mother for Freya ,(meski aku belum jadi ibu,tapi tetap aku terinspirasi) hehe, jadi panutan mojang garut,jadi blogger ,pinter bahasa Inggris, dll. Kebetulan aku orang garut ,tapi sayang gak tinggal netap di Garut karena kerjaan, padahal mau banget ikutin moka bukan untuk menanginnya cuma pengen punya temen pinter2 sama kenal teteh (da reresep att teteh ningal paguyuban moka upami nuju sareng teteh) hehe,

    Teteh semoga terus menginspirasi mojang Garut nya teh, 🙂 Garut dan seisinya pokonya mah….

    the care and passion that always show it membuat teteh itu lebih dari seorang the woman of beauty attitude. Salam teteh (semoga bisa ketemu)

    1. Halo Wulan. It’s been pleasure giving such inspiration meleleh aku baca comment kamu hihi. Alhamdulilah kalau apa yg saya lakukan memberikan efek positive untuk teman teman yg ikut. Thank you for following me and give me such huge support, it means a lot for me as a writer. We are very pleased to welcome you to our family in Moka Garut jangan ragu untuk nyoba gabung karena Moka rumah untuk mereka yg mau selalu berkarya dan menjadi lebih baik just like you do . Semoga someday ada kesempatan untuk bersilaturahmi yah, really look forward to see you. Keep shining dear much love from here :*

      1. Sama-sama teteh, pasti di suport terus hal-hal baik mh, pokonya thanks a lot teteh di baca aja udah seneng banget, sebagai penulis aku juga suka nulis tapi aku nulis nya cinta-cintaan hehe ( maklum teh kids zaman now tea) hehe….doakan aku supaya jadi penulis yang menginspirasi (cita-cita nya jadi penulis ) maaf th curhat tapi butuh suport saleresnamah 🙂 ,termakasih juga untuk ajakan moka nya teh, semoga ada kesempatan aamiin…hehe 🙂

        1. Harus dong empowering each other. nama blog kamu apa?biar bisa saling mampir. Terus semangat menulis neng, sama sama belajar. Yang penting tekuni dan persistence insya allah nanti dibukakan jalan 🙂 semangaaat!

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